viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

It's around 3 am I was walking to my home in the night, a lot of noisy dogs, but i felt safe for some reason, I think god loves me c:

martes, 21 de julio de 2009

It was a raining day, I love it. School will be different from now on I think, there's going to be more people to know and people that I already know but I would like to share more time. For some weird reason my father is acting like a real father to me for the first time, that's good, he's really trying and I couldn't be more happy about it, he has always been this silent and cold oldman, don't get me wrong, he's my father he take care of me since I was a child, and that's what a real man is all about, I wish one day I will be as strong as he is.

F#ck u hetoan2

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Oh my hair, it hurts :c it hurts so badly, well no, but I can't believe I waited this long, it was cool to have my hair that long and I'll do it again, but for the moment, just for the sake of the lulz, I bring U fire...well is not that hot lol

Put a wig punk

sábado, 18 de julio de 2009

I have been such an asshole for the last week, but it couldn't be helped. One of my friends, Beatriz, is far far far far away from me, she knew I wasn't myself for this week, so she make an awesome draw c: and I'll always be plase to have such a good person on my side, because without friends, life would suck

I will upload the image whenever I find it o_o

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009

I just don't feel in the mood for anything, I should be on a movie theater with some friends, lawl maybe, but first my car rubs me the wrong way, second no moneyz, third I just don't want to go, maybe next month if a feel like it. Guess what, I had a surprise test today, yayz well maybe not, but it was easy, at least for me.

Cut the hair hippie

martes, 14 de julio de 2009

It was a horrible day, OMG and I almost die or something like that, because my car isn't working yet, I think I'm going to take the bus tomorrow, but buses are for losers >( I hate them, but seriously what a fucking piece of shit was this day, I didn't like it, even though I can guarantee that my test was perfect, this days haven't been exactly how I want it but I'm a smart guy and that helps me a lot. Did you know that Jericho has a twitter account? I do:

IS NOT MY TWITTER ACCOUNT, so don't be a stalker with it, it's not me. By the way Viri, your awesome I wuv u, it always fun to talk with ya.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Have anyone notice how much I try to speak in english? no? anyone?, ok I'll give it a try, maybe I'm not the best on it but think I can do it, so every post from now on will be on english, just for the lulz and the fact that I know most of my friends will not know what the fuck I'm saying.

I feel pretty good, IDK maybe yesterday wasn't just my day, but today even though it was a hell of a day, the weather was really hot and the fuckin cooler didnt work on school and for some reason my car fails so hard today that I was really mad at it, dont know, I just was because it turn off WHEN I WAS ON IT DRIVING TWICE. Thank god that anything bad happen, but just to be sure I will do something I havent done in ages, try to fix my own car OMGZ wish me luck

domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Las ultimas semanas fueron la mas grandiosas que he tenido en muchisimo tiempo, siendo honesto no recuerdo un mejor tiempo, estuve muuy alegre, y eso esta bien, obviamente todo tiene un fin, y aunque me siento de la patada, no es como si no volvere a tener unas semanas asi en otra ocasion(espero). Como sea, fue divertido, ahora no estoy muy seguro que hare, asi que hare lo de siempre, seguir la corriente del dia. Mi cumple se aproxima, es como si ese dia estuviera maldito, siempre me pasa algo malo al hacercarme a ese dia o incluso en el dia mismo. Wow que emo sueno, pero ya que, asi es la vida y se come cruda.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Me siento taaaaaan bien, ultimamente he estado muy feliz, enverdad feliz, ojala todo siga asi c:

jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Estoy nervioso, y nisiquiera se porque, mañana voy a la graduacion de un amigo que tengo desde hace muchos años, ya soy hasta amigo de toda la familia de hecho, y no podria quererlo de otra forma!!!.

Traje, listo BD siempre me encanta verme de traje, ahora si me permiten tengo un The conduit que terminar, enserio este juego es j#$%&nte genial, me recuerda tanto a Halo y a Red vs Blue.

Como sea, si solo tienes un wii, primero que nada cual es tu jodido problema? y segundo debes tenerlo, no lag y buen trabajo en equipo cuando juegas online. En caso de que te gusten los FPS esta bien pero no es lo mejor, y se pone un poco confuso si tienes un 360, tira al cielo una moneda y ve que pasa.